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What can be stored in a laminate cellar?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Author: NAWI Design

Piewniczki Co mozna przechowywac w piwniczce z laminatu

A laminate cellar is the perfect solution for people who need extra storage space for food, wine or other supplies. It is characterised by its high thermal insulation and resistance to moisture, which has a positive effect on the quality of the stored products. Below are examples of things that can be stored in a laminate cellar.

  1. Wine – Wine requires the right temperature, humidity and a dark storage area. A laminate cellar is ideal for these requirements, providing the constant temperature and humidity necessary to preserve wine quality.
  2. Food – Storing food in a laminate cellar is an excellent way to extend its shelf life. The cellar maintains a constant temperature and humidity, which has a positive effect on the quality and freshness of the stored products.
  3. Preserves – Preserves such as jams, preserves or pickles can be stored in the laminate cellar. The high thermal insulation of the cellar ensures that the right temperature is maintained, which has a positive effect on the durability and quality of the preserved preserves.
  4. Vegetables and fruit – Vegetables and fruit such as potatoes, carrots, apples or pears can be stored in the laminate cellar. The right temperature and humidity in the cellar will keep these products fresh and long-lasting.
  5. Groceries – Various types of groceries, such as flour, sugar, pasta or rice, can be stored in the laminate cellar. Thanks to its high thermal insulation, this cellar allows the right temperature and humidity to be maintained, which has a positive effect on the quality and durability of these products.
  6. Gardening tools – Garden tools such as shovels, rakes or hedge trimmers can be stored in the laminate cellar. The moisture resistance and high strength of the laminate cellar ensure safe and effective storage of these tools.

In summary, a laminate cellar is the perfect solution for those who need extra storage space for food, wine or other supplies. Thanks to its high thermal insulation and mechanical strength, it is a safe and effective solution for many years. Compared to a traditional cellar with a mound, a laminate cellar has many advantages, such as smaller size, ease of installation, eco-friendliness and convenient and safe storage of supplies.

However, before deciding to purchase a laminate cellar, it is advisable to carefully analyse your needs and the conditions in which it will be used. If you store more products, you may need to purchase a larger cellar, which may affect the cost of your investment. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the materials used for the cellar and the thermal insulation provided.

Nevertheless, a laminate cellar is an innovative and convenient solution that is worth considering when planning the construction of a house or upgrading an existing space. It will ensure that our stock will be safely stored, and we will be able to enjoy additional storage space and gain comfort in the daily use of our home.